Author Interviews and Profiles
Below is a selection of my conversations with writers.
Author Interview
Below is a selection of my conversations with writers.
"New to the publishing industry and writing my first book, Beth was a reassuring, confident, and knowledgeable companion. She guided with insightful questions and humor, while addressing my blind spots with both skill and kindness. I'm so grateful for Beth's finesse in elevating the tone and writing quality.
Beth approaches her work with a tender joyfulness, encouraging writers to find their voice through her keen appreciation for the courage it takes to do work as artists, the blessing and gift that is the act of embodied creativity.
I am grateful to Beth for the work we have done together and encourage others to work with her to create their own breakthroughs into creating and writing the work they have dreamed of offering.
Beth is a wonderful friend to write with, as a partner in collaboration, as a keenly intelligent editor, as a writing coach. She offers a fine-tuned ear for what makes language sing, and a steel-trap mind for helping writers find the essence of their message and convey it with heart and skill.
Beth's encouragement and insight nurtures fearlessness in the writing process. Her guidance pushed me creatively, and formed my writing as a meaningful spiritual practice.
Copyright © 2025 — Beth Waltemath • All rights reserved. • Website by Beth WaltemathA selection of author interviews organized by images of book cover with links to interviews by Beth Waltemath
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